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Home > Baby Accessories > Pacifier, pacifier towel, pacifier chain > Avent AVENT Soothie Heart Pacifier 0-3m Pink / Blue (2 Pack)
AVENT Soothie Heart 安撫奶嘴 0-3m 粉/藍色 (2 Pack)
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AVENT Soothie Heart 安撫奶嘴 0-3m 粉/藍色 (2 Pack)
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AVENT Soothie Heart Pacifier 0-3m Pink / Blue (2 Pack)

Philips Avent Soothie Heart pacifier helps calm and soothe babies. Designed for babies 0-3 months, the Soothie Heart is heart-shaped with a curved shield for more comfort. It is made of hospital-grade, BPA-free and latex-free silicone for strength, comfort and durability. Its one piece construction is specially sized and shaped for baby's mouth and adheres to the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines. From the brand distributed in hospitals nationwide, this pacifier is uniquely shaped to comfortably fit little mouths to calm and soothe without inhibiting normal oral development. Transparent, tasteless and odorless, the nipple is strong and smooth and resists becoming sticky. Even after extended use, it won't become discolored or misshapen. The Soothie Heart pacifier is also compatible with most pacifier clips. It can be sterilized using a Philips Avent sterilizer and is dishwasher safe.

AventAVENT Soothie Heart Pacifier 0-3m Pink / Blue (2 Pack)



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AVENT Soothie Heart Pacifier 0-3m Pink / Blue (2 Pack)

Philips Avent Soothie Heart pacifier helps calm and soothe babies. Designed for babies 0-3 months, the Soothie Heart is heart-shaped with a curved shield for more comfort. It is made of hospital-grade, BPA-free and latex-free silicone for strength, comfort and durability. Its one piece construction is specially sized and shaped for baby's mouth and adheres to the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines. From the brand distributed in hospitals nationwide, this pacifier is uniquely shaped to comfortably fit little mouths to calm and soothe without inhibiting normal oral development. Transparent, tasteless and odorless, the nipple is strong and smooth and resists becoming sticky. Even after extended use, it won't become discolored or misshapen. The Soothie Heart pacifier is also compatible with most pacifier clips. It can be sterilized using a Philips Avent sterilizer and is dishwasher safe.

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